Crop Updates And Trials Review Day
Wed, 02 Mar
|Dalwallinu Recreation Centre

02 Mar 2022, 9:30 am – 5:15 pm
Dalwallinu Recreation Centre, Dalwallinu WA 6609, Australia
Trials Review Day - Members Only
The Trials Review morning session links growers with industry representatives and researchers, allowing first-hand details and results from local trials and grains research to be discussed. Topics to be confirmed mid-February.
Crop Updates - All Welcome
Prepare for the season ahead with a selection of locally relevant presentations that highlight the latest research and technologies in the grains industry.
- Research in the region - Liebe Group
- Frost Management - Gary Lang, Grower
- Wind Erosion Management in Low Rainfall Zones - Justin Laycock, DPIRD
- CBH Supply Chain and Logistics - Morne Van Wyngaard, CBH Group
- WA Land Value Growth...have we been here before? - Andrew Warren, Rabobank
- Post Seeding Deep Ripping - Dylan Hirsch, Liebe Grower, Wayne Parker, DPIRD
- Tax Effective Business Structures - Reagan Manns, RSM
- Update on Global Fertiliser Market and Supply Chain - Rusty Burke, CSBP Fertilisers
- Diversifying your Investments - Preston Hamersley, Indian Pacific Funds
Please note: Due to current COVID-19 mandates, proof of vaccination is required at this event. Fully vaccinated means at least two doses. As a condition of entry to this event, anyone aged 16 years and over must show proof of their COVID-19 vaccination status or a medical exemption, along with identification where required.
A$0.00Sale endedNon-Members
A$100.00+A$2.50 service feeSale endedStudent
A$30.00+A$0.75 service feeSale ended