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Headteacher's Welcome

The Liebe Group is a dynamic, grower-driven, not-for-profit organisation that operates within the Dalwallinu, Coorow, Perenjori and Wongan-Ballidu Shires in the West Australian Wheatbelt. As a leading ‘grass roots’ group, the Liebe Group provides its members with access to innovative, timely and relevant research along with grower and industry network opportunities from all over Australia. The group ensures regular consultation with members and industry to guarantee the group remains relevant. Liebe is governed by a central Board which is informed by a range of operational sub-committees that are comprised of local growers and industry partners.


The Liebe Group was established by progressive local farmers in 1997 due to concern of the local area being isolated from existing agricultural research and development. The group was founded to ensure research and development remained local, innovative and relevant to a whole farm systems approach to agriculture. The group conducts valuable research, development and extension through trials, demonstrations and workshops, and provides information to over 100 farming businesses in the local region, encompassing a land area of over 1,000,000ha.​

our purpose

our mission

Our vision

Collective local knowledge that advances, unites and reduces risks for our members

To facilitate grower prioritised research, development and extension to support our members to be profitable and sustainable.

Vibrance and Innovation for Rural Prosperity

what we do

The Liebe Group strives to be on the forefront of member’s needs, driven by three core business objectives:

  1. Conduct agricultural research, development, validation and implementation;

  2. Provide information, education, skills and training opportunities to members and wider community; and,

  3. Strengthen communication between growers, industry and whole community.



The Liebe Group undertake projects with the aim of conducting research that addresses on local concerns and issues, and is driven by the priorities of the members. They aim to investigate the long term implications of new and current farming systems, on the triple bottom line.


Farmer Demonstrations and case studies

The Liebe Group conduct on-farm demonstrations in collaboration with local growers to capture the wealth of on-ground research in the region. Case studies are used to extend the use of new technology and management practices to the wider farming community.


Field Trials

Trials are conducted annually on the Main Trial Site and satellite sites to investigate solutions to local constraints in production.



The Liebe Group hosts several annual events including the Spring Field Day, Trials Review Day, Crop Updates, Post Seeding Field Walk, Women’s Field Day, Annual Dinner and Member Christmas Party. There are also many subsidiary activities such as workshops, training days, field walks and meetings to assist with capacity building and extension of relevant information to members and the local community.

how we work

The Liebe Group ensures regular consultation with members and industry to guarantee the group remains relevant. Liebe is governed by a central board which is informed by a range of operational sub-committees which are comprised of local growers and Industry partners. Methods of consultation with members and the wider community include an annual review of the strategic plan, member surveys, farmer visits and event evaluations. The Liebe Group Strategic Plan drives the direction and operation of the group and is reviewed and revised every 5 years. 

strategic plan

The Liebe Group Board endorsed the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan in October 2021, following several months of comprehensive consultation with members, partners and the wider agricultural industry. With assistance from experienced consultant Caroline Robinson, this new plan marks the sixth strategic planning exercise that the Liebe Group has conducted.

Taking on a more concise format, the 2022-2026 plan highlights future opportunities for the group which will be guided by four main strategic objectives. The plan will assist the group in achieving its vision of farming communities and family businesses that are vibrant, innovative and prosperous. Our strategy will be reinforced by continual improvement and evaluation of impact and success, and will continue to provide the guidance to staff in operations and planning.

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