The 2023 Trials Review Day looked a little different this year, with the annual event being held at the Liebe Group office. The formalities of the day were designed around an interactive forum where Liebe Group growers had the opportunity to discuss some of the results from last season’s trials with researchers, industry representatives and fellow growers in the region.
The Trials Review Day commenced with concurrent sessions taking place throughout the office, in three break out rooms. Mark Gherardi, along with Saritha Marais (Summit Fertilisers), presented options to optimise nitrogen and phosphorus use when budget is a considerable determining factor in a wheat cropping budget. Tristan Clarke (Elders Dalwallinu), looked at the differences in efficacy of a range of pre and early post emergent herbicides and herbicide mix options for grass and broadleaf weed control in wheat. Glen Riethmuller (DPIRD) and Tyler McIlroy (Liebe Group) provided an interactive discussion, looking at the Harvest Losses project that took place in the Kwinana East and Geraldton Port Zones.

Lois Kowald (CSBP) discussed the requirements for K fertiliser in wheat, the profitability of N fertiliser and the effects of varying seeding rates. Brendon McAlpine (Elserae Agriculture) provided a recap of the learnings and experiences while hosting the Stubble Height project in 2022 and the ways in which this knowledge can be used to make profitable adoption decisions to farming systems. Chris O’Callaghan (Liebe Group) presented on the benefits associated with early sown canola and opened up a platform for growers to discuss their plans for the 2023 season.
After the completion of the concurrent sessions, Tristan Clarke (Elders Dalwallinu) facilitated a ‘new varieties’ discussion before reviewing the NVT trial results from 2022. The final presentation was from Vitor Pistoia (Rabobank) who analysed farm inputs and proposed an outlook for setting a new market equilibrium.
The Liebe Group would like to thank our valued research partners and presenters who provided their time to share their research and expertise. We would also like to extend our appreciation to the growers that attended the Trials Review Day. We understand that it is a busy period in our region, therefore we appreciate your involvement in the event. Thank you to all of Liebe Group’s partners, including our Diamond partners Rabobank, CSBP, RSM and CBH Group along with our valued Gold and Silver partners and industry supporters. Finally, thank you to Watheroo Minerals Group for sponsoring their ‘Oysters and Champagne’ sundowner event.