The Liebe Group, a grower-driven research group based in the Dalwallinu and surrounding regions, has leapt into the 2020 harvest taking full advantage of the early start.
Over half of the 20 demonstrations in this season’s trial program have been harvested, with samples and data collected for analysis and reporting.
The group’s Main Trial Site, located at the Hirsch family property in Latham experienced an unfortunate storm event in early November that has caused some trial damage from hail. This may be evident in the results from the trials that had yet to be harvested.
One of Liebe Group’s GRDC-invested projects investigating the profitability of alternative legume options in the region for rotation diversity has shown interesting preliminary results. This includes a profitable chickpea crop in Beacon and high-biomass field pea crop in Dalwallinu. Results from these demonstrations aim to increase grower awareness around herbicide and fungicide management options, and will be available in early 2021.
Two demonstrations comparing the long term cost and benefit of various amelioration options have also been harvested. This project is led by the West Midlands Group through funding from the GRDC. In the third year of observation at the sites, the group has observed significant differences between amelioration techniques several years post-application.
A recent addition to the Liebe Group harvest program has involved investigation into the impacts of farmer mechanical handling processes on lupin seed germination. Four of the six demonstrations comparing various rotor speeds have been completed, with a case study at each of the properties to be conducted from this harvest through to seeding in 2021. This will detail various grower practices with their seed and the resulting germination rates.
The Gen Y Paddock Challenge participants have also kicked off their harvest activities. Aimed at bringing together a group of young growers to encourage peer learning with a focus on soil health. So far two of the demonstrations have been harvested with exciting results to follow. This project is supported by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
This time of year also provides a great chance for staff members to spend time out in the paddocks, talking with growers to see how the year has gone and identify goals and priorities for the next season. As harvest in the local region has been slowed by a number of rain events over the past few weeks, the Liebe team are hopeful the hotter weather will remain to allow harvest to move back into full swing.
For further details on any of the projects outlined please contact the Liebe Group office on 08 9661 1907.