Key Points
Pre-emergent herbicide treatments did not adversely affect chickpea establishment and provided effective control of canola/wild radish.
Unregistered post-emergent use of Reflex® 1.25 L/ha at the 3-5 node stage of chickpeas caused unacceptable crop damage.
To evaluate the comparative efficacy of new and old herbicides/herbicide mixtures for broadleaf weed control in chickpea and compare two chickpea varieties for competitiveness against broadleaf weeds.
Weeds are one of the main production problems in chickpeas and can reduce seed yield and quality significantly. Reflex, Terrain and Palmero TX have recently been registered as pre-emergent herbicides in chickpeas for broadleaf weed control. New chickpea variety PBA Captain has better plant vigour and height than WA standard variety Neelam. Taller varieties with vigorous plant growth have been reported to be more competitive against weeds.
Trial Partner
Proposed Trial Site Design and Treatments
Trial details
Trial sowing date: 12 May 2021
Seeding depth and machinery: 5 cm and cone-seeder fitted with knifepoints and press wheels
Soil moisture at sowing: 0-10 cm – 15.4% and 10-20 cm – 19.4% (Gravimetric method or on dry weight basis)
Fertilizer: Superphosphate at 100 kg/ha at seeding
Propyzamide 500 at 1 L/ha was applied before seeding as a blanket spray for grass weed control.
Treatments application dates: IBS: 11 May 2021
PSPE: 13 May 2021
3-5 chickpea node stages: 16 June 2021.
Trial Layout
Varieties: PBA Captain and Neelam
Herbicide main plot treatments:
Plus and minus Post-em Broadstrike® at 25 g/ha at 3-5 chickpea node stage across sub-plot treatments
Herbicides sub-plot treatments and randomization
IBS = Incorporated by sowing, PSPE = Post seeding pre-emergent, fb = followed by, HW = Hand weeding,
WF = Weed Free.
Name: Dr Harmohinder Dhammu
Phone: (08) 9690 2217 and 0403 156 942
Email: harmohinder.dhammu@dprid.wa.gov.au